Remember the Alamo–Not Quite Finished with Christmas

Yes, I know Christmas is long gone…all 12 days of it, but I still wanted to share these photos from our time with Jay’s family. On Christmas morning, we opened presents in our pajamas (so I’m not posting many of those photos…) and later lazily got ready for lunch at the historic Menger Hotel in downtown San Antonio. Apparently, we weren’t the only ones who thought that was a good idea, so we had some time to stroll about before enjoying a scrumptious dinner. Afterward, we meandered along the River Walk in an effort to burn some of those calories we consumed. All in all, we had a wonderfully relaxing Christmas Day.

Meridith brought over her sister’s new puppy to open presents. I seriously wanted to fit it in my bag and take it home with me. Though, Astin might have been jealous.

Yes, it’s the Alamo, complete with random tourists.

We were bored, so I asked Jay to give me his best GQ pose…

Just messing around.

I love my in-laws. It’s true…I know a lot of people can’t say that, but I’m really thankful for how they welcomed me into the family. And look, they’re still happily married after 34 years. That’s awesome..

Nothing like having willing vict-er-um–subjects to oblige me and my camera.

Texas-sized tree.

Farewell, Texas.

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