My Life in Boxes

The good thing about moving is that it forces you to get ride of a bunch of junk you don’t need anymore. The bad thing about moving is, well, the whole having to pack everything you own in boxes. That and the whole hauling furniture up and down stairs. I’ve been experiencing a lot of the former these past few days, cleaning out closets and finding all sorts of useless “treasures.” Tomorrow is the super fun day of hauling, loading, driving, and unpacking. Naturally, we picked the hottest day of the year for this.

But fortunately we’ve got some friends to help us out. Sorry guys for the heat!

So needless to say, these next few days are going to be a bit hectic for me. I’ll also be without internet for a couple of days at the new house (oh the horror!). All that to say, I’m probably going to be very slow to respond to emails unless there’s an emergency. In the meantime, enjoy the heatwave and I’ll catch up soon!

This is kind of how I feel right now. Yes, that’s little me in our first apartment in Russia surrounded by boxes. I was rocking the giant bangs and pink and red outfit.

Jean - This Mary is very familiar to me. I think I have a picture of you, Martha, Julie, Kate, and me all playing with dolls or horses. (Most of us were rocking the bangs.)

Life with Kaishon - Good luck with the move! : ) Moving is so crazy. Especially during the heatwave. Ay yi yi!

Jenn - Good luck with the move Mary!! Ryan and I moved a big truckload of stuff to our new house on Wednesday and I think everyone almost died of heat stroke!! Talk about picking a bad week to move!! Have fun in DC!

Milla - Awww Mary you are so cute piled in with all those boxes! 🙂 Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!

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