Well, Nevermind That | A Pretty Picture Will Do

I just spent half an hour or so mulling over a post, punching letters on my well-worn keyboard, and erasing and rewriting sentences for a great blog entry. Then midway through, I just scrapped it all. It just sounded boring. Not useful. A failure.

Sometimes that happens in life. And the insecure artist in me makes me want to believe that’s how it always turns out. That I’m never any good at what I do. That nobody likes what I do or say.

But, I know that’s not true.

My mom says I’m the best wedding photographer ever. Jay thinks I’m pretty good, too. And Astin? Well, he couldn’t care less what I do, as long as I give him attention and take him for walks.

Yes, there are times I fail…times I just do OK. My goal is always perfection in my work, but so far, I haven’t achieved that yet, either. That doesn’t mean I give up or settle for mediocrity. It means I give thanks for where I am and strive for where I want to be. So, I’m going to ignore that nagging feeling of failure and just get on with it.
glencoe, scotland

Derick - You photographed our wedding in January and Caitlin and I still check your website on almost a daily basis just to admire your work. We’re not looking at our wedding (hey, we’ve already got those wonderful pictures). We’re looking at the other engagements, weddings, and various photos you post because we love your work. The pictures, the write-ups, the whole thing. You do extraordinary work. You have an exceptional grasp of and dedication to your craft.
(P.S. Our moms loved their wedding albums. Thank you.)

Mark - Great write up mary

Nancy - Please know that your mother-in-law and father-in-law cast our vote with your mom: you ARE the best wedding photographer EVER!!! We love your work and we love you!!

May - Beautiful photo!!! Never doubt yourself, it’s photographers like you that give inspiration to young people everywhere.

Leeann Marie - Gorgeous, Mary. And yes, we all have those days.

Jessica - Beautiful photo! The reflection is amazing… you are a fabulous photographer, I love your work!

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