First Step: Simplify

I wish my brain had an on/off switch. Most every night, I lie awake in bed thinking, thinking, thinking. Random thoughts flit across my mind. Half-formed sentences, paragraphs, and memories invade the silence of my head. I try to follow one trail of thought but quickly get distracted and turn down another. It’s not even things I’m particularly concerned or worried about–just old memories and images mixed with new ideas and words.

Often, silly though it sounds, I think of things to write about on this blog. How can I keep things interesting and useful for my readers? How can I share my personality without making it all about me and straying from the purpose? Wait, come to think of it, what is the purpose of my blog?

That’s a good question. And while maybe I’ve thought about it in the back of my mind, I haven’t ever tried to spell it out, literally, until now. Well, here it goes:

I write this blog to connect with current and future clients through relevant and honest content while maintaining an open door to share what I learn with the photography community.

Photographs are made to be shared–to keep memories alive–to tell stories. My desire is that all of my clients connect with the way I tell stories and love my work. It’s not because I’m some ego-tripping artist–it’s because I know if my clients connect with me and my work, they are going to love their photos. And that’s ultimately what I want! Happy and satisfied couples and families who love remembering their moments through my images.

And that’s where the honesty comes in. If I try to just show and write things I think people want to hear, I’ll never be able to truly connect with the folks who are looking for the real thing. Not that I don’t think I’ve tried to be honest in my photos and writing so far…just that I sometimes don’t write or show what I want to for fear it may turn some people away. They may not like it. But I need to realize that’s OK. I shouldn’t expect to get high-fives for every post and have a horde of fans following me. It’s not about that.

So the first thing I wanted to do to keep things more honest is a little revamp of the blog and website. I want it to be more about the photos, less about the fluff. So I’ve simplified the layout. Kept it clean and tidy (unlike my desk). I’m still working on updating the content for the website, but I like the layout of my blog. I’m looking forward to sharing more and connecting more with my clients this year. I’ve got some fun articles and topics in mind, which I think will be enjoyable for everyone to read. So, look for some new things coming soon.

Happy Monday!

Jay Studio Photography - oohh i like this one! simplicity is beauty 🙂

Emilie - Sounds like there are some good things to come, can’t wait! Sleep tight tonight Mary.

Milla - Oooh I like it! Great update, Mary. See you tomorrow!

Christina Montemurro - I know that trying to fall asleep feeling well. My solutions are 1) listen to iPod 2) have a drink.

Blog looks nice!

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