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DC Newborn Photography | Baby Ellis

This winter has seemed especially long…but it’s definitely been brightened up by all the sweet new babies I’ve gotten to photograph. One of those is little Ellis, whom I got to meet last week.  This little guy sure made his parents wait a while before he decided to make his appearance into the world. I’m sure he is well worth the wait!

He was a charmer for the photo session…and seeing his cute self only reminded me of how quickly they grow! My own little “newborn” isn’t newborn anymore!

A  big congratulations to the parents. Here are a few of my favorites from this DC newborn session.



Maryland Newborn Photography | Baby Josiah

Can I just start by saying that baby Josiah has a super swanky nursery? I’ve seen a lot of cute baby rooms, but this one is themed around “national parks,” and sure enough…it makes me want to go visit one!

Ok, cute nursery aside, after sharing Josiah’s birth story, I had to do a post of his newborn photos.  Those early newborn days are so fleeting and foggy-brain filled that having a newborn session is priceless when it comes to remembering the tiny fingers and toes.  Soon that little baby starts growing, and you’ve forgotten those bleary-eyed days. Well maybe…I can still recall the bleariness in both of my kids’ newborn stage. But the toes–that’s what’s hard to remember! They grow so quickly.

A big congratulations to mom and dad and big sister! Here are a few of my favorites from Josiah’s newborn session.



Virginia Birth Photography | Baby Josiah

I can’t think of a better way to jump back into work after having a baby than to photograph a birth. All the recent emotions of labor and delivery (plus some newborn insomnia) made me appreciate even more how special each birth is.

This birth at Virginia Hospital Center was especially dear to me as I know the family well and had been eagerly awaiting this little boy. It was a beautiful thing to witness, and I’m so happy for this dear family.

Here are some of the highlights of baby Josiah’s birth.




Milla - Oh Mary!! Wow!! I am sitting here in awe. You told this story so beautifully, and the joy on their faces is simply breathtaking. What an incredible gift for this sweet family.

DC Maternity Photography | Yen’s Family

So it’s been awhile since I last posted on the blog…a lot has happened, most significantly we welcomed our baby boy into the world at the end of October! I’ll be sure to share about that soon, but today I wanted to jump back into things with this beautiful mom and her lovely (growing) family.

It was so sweet to photograph this family as they await their second son. Having just been in the same stage a few weeks ago…I well remember the excitement and anticipation (and exhaustion!).

We all met up on the Mall in DC, and fortunately the weather cooperated (as well as a curious squirrel!) to get these fun maternity photos of Yen and her family.  Here are just a few of my favorites from the session.