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Pumpkin Patch Fall Photos | Priscilla and Co.

Growing up in Texas, I never really experienced the whole “pumpkin patch” phenomenon. If we did pick out pumpkins, they were probably from the shopping mall parking lot.  I’m so glad we don’t have to do that living in the DC area…we actually get to enjoy fall, complete with changing leaf colors and real pumpkin patches.

And while it might seem cliche…fall family photos in the pumpkin patch are pretty darn cute.  There’s something irresistibly adorable about tots juxtaposed next to bright orange squash. Don’t ask me why.  It’s just true.

You can see for yourself in these photos of Priscilla with her family.

Alessandra Costa - Absolutely great!!! I wish I had the opportunity to have pictures like these for my son…I feel the need to congratulate with you for your wonderful job!

Maryland Newborn Photography | Baby Sawyer

It’s hard to look at Baby Sawyer and not just want to sit there and hold him in all his new-baby-cuteness.  I think his parents must feel the same way.  As for Sawyer–I think he’s pretty content to be held.  And sleep.  Ver-r-r-y soundly.

Even though Sawyer didn’t want to stay awake for his first photo shoot, I so enjoyed capturing his little self with his brand-new mom and dad. Here are a few of my favorites of this little snuggle bug.



Annapolis Birth Photography | Baby Jackson

It’s an incredible thing to meet a person for the very first time…I mean that literally–a brand-new person. I had such a privilege a couple of weeks ago when I photographed the birth of baby Jackson. Jackson’s mommy is a midwife herself, but this was her first time to give birth. She was amazing.

Words fail me when I try to describe what it’s like to photograph something so powerful and raw…in many ways, I feel so helpless with my camera. I cannot feel the pain, and yet I get to witness the joy. And what joy there is. I will let the photos tell the story. (All photos shared with permission).

Karey - Love these! I especially had to comment, since that’s the same room where my little Jack was born!

Beth Kukucka - So, so beautiful, Mary. Really outstanding … even more than usual.

Milla - Wow, Mary, these are INCREDIBLE! I especially love #8, and #10 brought tears to my eyes! Amazing. What a gift for this family to have these photos.

Some Very Big Changes | A New Look, a New Focus

Ever since I moved to the DC area a couple of years ago, my photography business has been…well…different. That’s hardly surprising, considering I became a mom not long after the move, but it’s taken me a while to sort things through in my head as to what I want Birchtree Photography to be going forward. Finally, I have a clear vision. I’ve been hinting about it for some time, but I’m now ready to unveil some big changes.

In the past, my focus has been on weddings and engagements…and I’ve loved it. I can’t begin to recount the wonderful couples, the amazing stories, and the beautiful events I’ve photographed and been a part of. I think those memories will stay with me forever.

But becoming a mom has changed my perspective a bit. Not so much on weddings, really, but more on families and photographing them. There are so many incredible and sweet stories (though with less lace and flowers and more crayons and milk) that happen everyday in the home that I want to start photographing more of them. From births and adoptions to baby milestones and kids growing up–those 18 years (ok, maybe more) of raising your kids passes quickly. I can already see it happening before my eyes with Harriet.

That’s why for right now, I’m shifting my focus to documenting families and creating meaningful portraits. Practically, this means probably not photographing any more weddings for a while (besides those I’ve already agreed to do). It also means a complete website update, which I’m finally ready to reveal! I can’t begin to tell you how hard it was to remove all my wedding photos–there were so many I love–but I needed to do it so my focus is clear.

Friends, long-time supporters, those who just stumbled upon this photography-blog-in-a-million, please welcome the new Birchtree Photography:

Go on over and check it out in all its glorious newness!