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Capitol Hill Newborn Photography | Baby Mary Helen

The first few weeks with a new baby are amazing and exhausting all at once. Everything is a “first” for baby…and often for you, too! You’re just getting acquainted with this brand-new person. I love newborn sessions because they are a little snapshot of this once-in-a-lifetime moment. Before you know it, that newborn is looking less “new” and growing into a bigger baby…toddler…preschooler…and it’s easy to forget those early, busy days.

I recently photographed a precious little girl–Mary Helen–and her beautiful parents in their Capitol Hill home together as a new family.  I must say, I’m a bit partial to the name Mary Helen since it’s a combination of my name and my mom’s name.  A good choice if I must say so myself!

Here are a few of my favorites from this sweet newborn session.

Maryland Newborn Photography | Baby Jack

A few weeks ago I had the privilege of taking some of the first photos of little baby Jack. While he was long expected, he decided to make his appearance a few weeks early…which I’m sure was a bit of a surprise for his parents. Nonetheless, they were of course overjoyed to meet him, and I loved taking a few photos of them all as a new family.

Here are a just a few favorites from this newborn session. Welcome to the world baby Jack!

Brooklyn Family Photography | Julian’s Family

It seems like not too long ago, and I was photographing Lauren and Ian’s beautiful backyard wedding. But time flies when you’re busy with kids!  Lauren and Ian have a sweet little boy of their own now, and I recently got to photograph him in their home in Brooklyn, NYC.  It was so fun to catch up with them and to meet baby Julian. That first year of babyhood goes by so quickly (and yet so slowly at times!), so it was a privilege to capture these fleeting moments in their life together as a family.

Here are a few of my favorites from this documentary family session.


Purebudget - The best family photographs should not have any outside distractions to them. The easiest way to ensure that the frame filled with family. This will be the center of attention to the faces of family members..

Milla - Mary, wonderful job! Seriously! I haven’t checked my reader in ages but just opened it up and saw this amazing session. You captured some incredible, creative moments (my favorite it #6!). Great job, friend!

Lindsay - These are great pictures of this adorable family!

Virginia Newborn Photography | Baby Aidan

Finally, finally I got to meet baby Aidan. It’s been a wonderful joy to be able to capture some of the biggest events in Alexis’ and Brendan’s life, and it was so fun to see them as new parents enjoying sweet little Aidan last week for his newborn photo session.  And I couldn’t have asked for a more cooperative subject! Aidan was a very content little newborn, and we managed to get photos of him both asleep and awake.

A big congratulations to Alexis and Brendan, and I look forward to watching their little family grow up.