The Knot Best Of | Thank You

I realize I’m a bit late in sharing this news…OK, I’m a lot late! But I have a good excuse, really! Her name is Harriet. Anyway…

Every year, The Knot sends out questionnaires to their brides to ask them about their wedding and to get feedback about the professionals that they used. They tally the results, and the vendors with the best reviews are recognized as the “Best Of” for that year. So, I was very pleased to find that I was awarded “Best Of” by my couples from this last year.

Ultimately, my goal is to create meaningful photographs and provide exceptional service to my clients–whether I photograph their wedding, kids, or dogs! And while recognition by my peers means a lot to me, too, I’m most happy when my clients are happy.

Thanks to everyone for a great 2011 season, and I can’t wait to start the 2012 one!

Nancy Schwarz - We are so proud of you, Mary. I wish Mark and I could marry each other again and YOU could take our photos! You are so talented and dedicated to your clients. Way to go!!

natalie - Congrats Mary! You totally deserve it! I was sharing our album just last weekend with some out of town friends and they couldn’t stop talking about how fabulous our photographer was ๐Ÿ™‚ YOU ROCK!

A New Perspective as a Mom

Being a new mom has already taught me a lot of things–like what the word “patience” really entails. I’m also beginning to understand the meaning of what my mom said: “You never really know what your mother did for you until you become a mom yourself.” Thanks, Mom, for getting up through the dark hours of the night to feed me. Seriously.

But in terms of my work, I’ve also gained a new perspective on photography and the value of photos. As I flip through the pictures on my phone, I’m amazed to see how much Harriet has grown in just two months. The quick snapshots I took half-awake and bleary-eyed of her as a newborn have already become treasured images to me. And yes, since I’m a wedding photographer, I think about her as she might be on her wedding day (of course at least 40 years from now :).

This has also led me to think about the moms of my brides and grooms, and now, I understand just a little bit more what they must be thinking and feeling on the wedding day. When they see their daughter walking down that aisle, they don’t just see her as she is today–a stunning woman in a beautiful dress–I think they also see that helpless babe they rocked to sleep in their arms. Those moments become even more meaningful, and the photographs I take even more powerful. How quickly life changes. How important those photos are as a window into what has been.

From my own wedding, one of my favorite photos is of Harriet’s namesake–Jay’s grandmother Harriet whom everyone called “Ha Ha.” It’s just a quick photo of her in the crowd, but I love it because it’s one of the last ones of her. I’m looking forward to showing it to my little Harriet someday and explaining the story to her.

For now, though, I’m excited to photograph weddings and portraits this year with a new “mom” perspective. I think it’s fair to say I’ll be watching and capturing those intimate family moments just a little bit more than I used to. Here are a few favorite mom and daughter moments from this last year.

Christine - Counting down the days until you photograph Max and Emilie’s wedding – seeing your photographs I never doubted that they had picked a wonderful photographer, reading your words I am even more convinced. Lucky us.

Nancy - Wow, Mary. You got me on this one! Thanks for the wonderful memory of Ha Ha, my little Harriet’s great grandma.

Beth Kukucka - Beautifully written, Mary.

Hello World | Meet Baby Harriet

My life changed forever on January 9th at 2:33pm when my sweet daughter, Harriet Elizabeth, made her grand entrance into the world. These last seven weeks have flown by, but many of the days have been long! I wanted to blog and share photos sooner, but Harriet preferred I hold her instead.

Finally, I can introduce her to you! She was 7lbs, 9oz and 19 and a half inches long–for those of you who like statistics. I was fortunate to have my good friend, Milla, drive all the way from Pittsburgh at three in the morning to photograph the birth. I’m so thankful she was there to capture the incredible story and the moments. As my memory fades, I have her wonderful photos to cherish the excitement (and hard work!) of the day. I’ll post a favorite here, and you can see more on her blog.

I just love this one of Harriet looking at Jay. She already knows her daddy!

Another reason I’m so thankful Milla photographed those first moments was because I grossly underestimated how exhausted and busy I’d be taking care of little Harriet. I had envisioned myself taking lots and lots of great newborn photos, but as it ended up, I only managed to get a few during those first few days. A word to the wise–hire a photographer to take newborn photos, even if you’re a photographer!

But enough words, let’s see some photos–finally!

Harriet got thrush her second week, and the medicine stained her mouth purple.

Amazingly, she learned to pout all on her own.

My second attempt to get “pro” photos at one month. She decided to give me her best cyclops impression.

This last week my sister and her boys came for a quick visit. We tried to get a “cousins” shot–easier said than done!

Calum, Martha’s youngest boy is just six weeks older than Harriet.

Some of my favorite photos have been ones I’ve taken with my phone (Shh! Don’t tell!) and shared on Istagram.

I’m sure I’ll be sharing many, many more photos of Harriet in the weeks, months, and years to come.

Happy Leap Day everyone!

wendy - Congratulations! She is a cutie!

natalie - Mary! Harriet is adorable ๐Ÿ™‚ I love all the photos you’ve shared – especially her tutu! The ones with you and Jay with her are precious as well. Steve and I are excited for you guys! Congrats!

rachel - So fun looking at all these pictures ๐Ÿ™‚ I love the picture of you and Harriet while looking into the camera (above the black and white photo you said was your favorite).So fun the cousins close in age have matching outfits ๐Ÿ˜‰

Heather Grilliot - Beautiful Harriet! I have been wondering how you guys were doing! Cherish every moment Mary as I know you will, they grow up so, soooo fast.

Hannes Uys - What a beautiful post! Stunning processesing too. Love it!

Georgia Spears - Congratulaitons! Harriet definitely has your eyes – just beautiful.

marfa - I really like the one of you holding Harriet in colour, both of you looking straigh at the camera. I’m so glad we got to come for a visit and meet sweet Harriet! Can’t wait to see her (and you and Jay) again!

Milla - Aww Mary these are absolutely priceless. I think you have done a wonderful job capturing her first weeks of life!! I love so many of these and can’t wait to see more!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Eileen - Beautiful little girl! What a blessing to have those amazing images from Milla. It’s funny how much I can relate to everything. I definitely underestimated how tired and busy I would be when I had my daughter. I assumed I would have many “pro” sessions with her and only managed one every 3 months. I cherish the spur of the moment images that I have taken with my phone as well. Having a child changed my world and rearranged my priorities. I’m so glad to see you and your little love doing so well. Looking forward to seeing her grow up in front of your lens.

Emilie - How wonderful Mary! Thanks for sharing pictures of you and your beautiful family. I hope I’ll get to meet Harriet soon.

Liz - Congratulations Mary! She is so beautiful. I do love that shot of her in the hospital with Jay! All of the photos are gorgeous! It is awfully hard to capture your own baby the way you can capture others’ newborns! I have very few of my own as newborns.