Fall Wedding Bouquets | Real Wedding Details

In an ideal world, I would have fresh flowers around my house every day. But since buying gorgeous bouquets like these bridal ones isn’t feasible on a regular basis, I guess I’ll have to settle for looking at the photos. I’ve said it before–beautiful flowers can really add color and elegance to your wedding decor. I love the variety of these real bridal bouquets, and I’m always impressed with how they compliment each bride’s taste.

As you can see, fall is great time for purple to shine. Of course, you can never go wrong with a classic white, and if you’re looking for a lot of color–a bunch of wildflowers is the way to go.


purple and yellow and pink and green bridal bouquets

Holly - Gorgeous… Love this!

Some New Photography Equipment for my Assistant

Thanks to the generosity of some photographer friends and clients, my new assistant-to-be is already collecting some photo equipment. And like any good pro, she’s got a backup camera. Of course she’ll be learning from the best… 🙂

Happy Friday everyone!

Kathy Conklin - I think that your new little assistant will be off to a good start with all of that new equipment!!!! and her pay will be awesome…the Love of her Mommy and Daddy and the rest ot her relatives!!!

Emilie - Too cute! She’ll be a great assistant!

Supporting Small Businesses | Moop Bags

I realize this is a little bit of a diversion from photography, but I wanted to give a shout out to a local small business. And since last Saturday was “Small Business Day,” I think it’s relevant enough.

I love supporting small businesses. After all, I’m one myself. Small businesses are the backbone of America and employ millions of people. But what I value most about small businesses is the level of customer service I generally receive and their commitment to outstanding products. This is true for a Pittsburgh company who specializes in hand-crafted, high-quality bags: Moop.

You see, I’d been looking for a “non-diaper bag” bag for a while now, anticipating the arrival of Baby Schwarz. Although I’m thrilled at the prospect of becoming a mom, I just don’t want to lug around a bag that well, looks like a diaper bag. I figured that whatever bag I got, it would need to hold both baby stuff and all my junk (read: things like lip gloss, a million kleenexes, old receipts, and a giant water bottle). Having heard about Moop bags from some Pittsburgh photographers, I decided to see if they had anything suitable for diaper bag purposes.

And that’s where great customer service comes in. I called Moop and was able to speak with a real human being who kindly explained the differences between their bags and which ones might work best for me. I ended up deciding on the Porter bag, and placed my order on Wednesday. Today I received my new bag! Talk about fast service!

The Porter has plenty of room for all my stuff I anticipate hauling around: diaper changer, bottles, extra clothes, books, toys, you name it. I’ve got easy access to everything with snap closures, and I have the option to sling the bag across my body or carry it on my shoulder. And the best part about it all? It’s machine washable.

So if you’re looking for a new laptop bag, messenger bag, shopping tote, carry-everything bag, check out Moop. And if you live in Pittsburgh, you can pick up your bag in person!

Here are a few photos of my new bag (with a little preview of the nursery–more to come on that).

moop porter bag in nursery used as a diaper bag

Beth - Greetings,

I’m not the best speller but I see the word “mary” is spelled incorrectly on your website. In the past I’ve used a service like SpellAlerts.com or SiteChecker.com to help keep mistakes off of my websites.


natalie - Ohhhhhh, loving the nursery preview! Is that paint or wallpaper?!?

Mid-Summer and Fall Wedding Dresses | Real Wedding Style

Has Thanksgiving really come and gone? Is it really almost December?? Did I really not blog last week? Yes, yes, and yes.

Well, my poor, neglected blog readers–yes, all two of you–I shall try to make up for it today with a details-filled post of real wedding dresses and fall colors. After all, with winter officially right around the corner, I should probably get this in before every last leaf has fallen from the trees. (I can still see a few dead ones clinging to some branches…so I think I made it). Although, I must say that the lack of blogging may be a sign of things to come in the near future as I anticipate the arrival of Baby Schwarz. You know, that whole “nesting” instinct is beginning to kick in and by golly I’ve got to get this cluttered office cleaned up. And don’t get me started on dusting the blinds…

OK, so without any more excuses, let’s see some real wedding dresses on some real brides! I previously blogged spring and summer wedding dresses from this year, and now I want to share the rest of this year’s lovely brides and their dresses. There’s nothing like seeing a dress on a real bride to get a good idea of what style might suit you best. I loved the variety I saw this year, and I hope you enjoy the examples, too.

fall wedding dresses in dc area and pittsburgh

Ashley Wall - Simply beautiful! I love how you do these collages of dresses, makeup or flower arrangements. And again, I was saying to myself that you are just a fantastic photographer and I love love love your work!