The Internet’s Best Kept Photography Secret and Guest Books

As the proverbial saying goes, I’m going to kill two birds with one stone in this post. Poor birds.

First off, I just received my latest toy-er-tool (the Canon 35mm 1.4L lens) in the mail this week, and I used it to snap some photos of a recent Engagement Guest Book I assembled. I’ll show you those photos in a second, but first things first.

Do you want to know the internet’s best kept photography secret (this fact may be debatable)? You do? Good! Because I’m going to share it with you. You’ve probably all heard of B&H and Adorama–there’s a few more large online stores out there, too, but these seem to be the biggest. They certainly have a wonderful selection of everything photography, and I do order a lot of things from Adorama. But, my number one favorite store to purchase camera and lenses from is Canoga Camera. They are a Canon authorized seller (as well as Nikon), and they usually have lower prices than the “big guys.” For instance, my lens I just purchased–$100 cheaper from Canoga than B&H and Adoroma. You get the same quality stuff, warranties, etc (no gray market stuff there) for less. Now that’s a deal. Plus, they always give me a call after I place an order to confirm that it really was me virtually swiping my card–in short, they have excellent customer service and awesome prices. Definitely check them out for your next photography purchase.

And now to this post’s other topic: Engagement Guest Books. I first introduced them here on my blog, but I just wanted to share some photos from Kerry and Josh’s Guest Book. These are seriously a great way to preserve and share your engagement photos with your guests, while receiving a wonderful keepsake in return.

engagement guestbook

engagement guestbook








Jennifer - Oh I wish I had something like this when I got married. Awesome way to show off engagement pictures!

Kerry - YAYAYYAYAYAY! seriously just discretely jumping for joy in my desk chair trying not attract too much attention!! YAY! looks beautiful. You are the best!

Goals for 2010–Must I really set some?

I don’t like to-do lists. Never have, really. I find them annoying for a couple of reasons. One is that I don’t know how to appropriately craft them. I’m usually overly ambitious when creating a to-do list and therefore list an impossible amount of things to accomplish in a day. The inevitable result is that I don’t complete the list, and I quickly sink into a state of depression with thoughts of failure mixed with apathy. “I only completed half of the tasks I listed!”

What I often end up doing to remedy this situation is put things down on my list that 1) I’ve already accomplished that day, or 2) Will quickly accomplish as a matter of habit. How pathetic is that? Of course, Jay is the complete opposite of me–he loves and lives by lists. The other annoying thing is that you must keep track of the list to ensure you’re marking off the items. And woe to you if you loose it in the abyss of your purse!

So, I keep things in my head. And this usually works very well for me. For instance, right now I can tell you what day of the week any day in 2010 will fall on simply because I know every Saturday date (and whose wedding I’m photographing). It’s not that I sat down to memorize all this information; it just happened as I made mental (“yeah, that’s pretty mental” ) notes. Of course, I also have these sorts of things written down, too…as well as any other important dates and information. I’m not that crazy.

Nevertheless–despite my aversions to making lists, I have been wanting to write down some goals for the year–just to challenge and keep me motivated. Recently, a local photographer friend blogged about creating 20 lists of 10 things for 2010, which I think is pretty awesome but way too much listing for me.

Instead I’ll settle for a list of 20 Things to Accomplish in 2010. Surely that’s doable! These are a mix of both personal and business goals.

1. Improve album design workflow to deliver the proof layouts within 2 weeks of the wedding.
2. Attend one photography workshop/conference (heh, I know I’ll be doing this one when I attend WPPI in March).
3. Shoot an e-session at Kennywood (I really want to do this).
4. Train for Pittsburgh’s half-marathon and run it at a 9 minute mile (or less) pace. I know this is ambitious–I was closer to 10 minute miles last May.
5. Improve packaging for DVDs and albums to match brand (already working on this one!)
6. Visit a national park.
7. Read one book a month. Remember this tome I was reading? Well I finished it over my trip, plus read another one.
8. Shoot two Trash the Dress sessions. I loved the one I shot last year and would love to do it again.
9. With that in mind: Hold 5 workshops (some can be small!).
10. Do 3 photo walks of Pittsburgh neighborhoods.
11. Create client anniversary cards.
12. Cook 1 recipe from every cookbook I own.
13. Submit work and have published in two magazines or blogs.
14. Finish and launch studio (more on this to come soon!).
15. Go horseback riding once (I really want to do this!).
16. Host a game night at my house and place Settlers of Catan (nerd alert).
17. Exercise 5 days a week for a month. I don’t know if this is possible.
18. Create custom thank you cards.
19. Keep my dresser top clean for a month (it attracts a lot of clutter–Jay really laughed at me for this one).
20. And my most ambitious goal: triple my blog’s subscriptions. Right now I’ve got 32 subscribers. Can I get to 96?? Frankly, I’m surprised I have that many people bothering to read this blog already. Thanks for your love, blog-readers!

And since every post should have a picture, here’s a random one from our Scotland trip last summer. If we climbed those mountains (sort of), surely I can accomplish some of these goals?

Kerry - I would also like to add to this post that I will get married again to help with #3 because I want that soooo bad and help with #8 because I would really like to do one of those.

Elizabeth - We got our Whirl Magazine in the mail today, so I’d say you have one done for #13!! Yay!

Kara - climb every mountain!

Milla - p.p.s. how do you know how many subscribers you have? I have no clue!

I promise to quit leaving comments soon.

Milla - p.s. can I also help with #17 by joining you once a week at Frick Park? Let’s make a walk date!

Milla - I LOVE your goals. And please please please if you do number 16, INVITE US!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Strip District Engagement Photos | Maggie and Tim

If you’re a really observant blog reader, you may recognize this couple from a wedding I shot in November. All high school friends, Maggie was Kateri’s maid of honor, while Tim was one of Mark’s groomsmen. I definitely consider it a huge compliment and honor when a bridesmaid or friend of a former bride asks me to shoot their wedding. It makes me feel like I did a good job!

I’m so glad the sun made a rare appearance on Saturday for Maggie and Tim’s engagement session–it was even warm enough to do without the heavy coats! We were going to try to get some shots at the park where Tim proposed, but the ground was a bit too muddy. So, we met up at the Strip District in Pittsburgh–one of my favorite places to shoot engagement pictures–and we enjoyed the fun surroundings.

I’m definitely looking forward to their wedding in April–Tim has written all the music for their ceremony! Plus, I’ll get to see Kateri and Mark again–it’s always fun to meet up with past couples!

Love this…

Loving the tire lot…

Too cute…

Maggie - Awesome pictures Mary! We love them!!

Chris - Really nice photos!

Milla - Ahhh beautiful strip district pics Mary!! I love the wide-angle action, as usual!! Great work.

Cindy - Great photos! The tire lot was a very creative idea!

Mark - woot! nice pda guys ;P

Kateri - Love them!!